Jan's nominations was SELECTED as the 2023 Zone 1 Provincial Merit Award recipients.
Jan Petersen has been on the MHMSA executive for 5 years and has filled the position of Registrar. Jan started on our board in 2020 and COVID was autrocious for volunteers, let alone new to postion volunteers who quickly found themselves completely refunding an entire season worth of registrations. Throughout 2020 and 2021, Jan was pivotal to MHMSA - she was flexible and helped us stay organized in a time where tracking waivers and pod size teams and so many refunds and nervous parent communication overwhelmed our organization. Jan is diligent, efficient and organized and manages all membership: Thunder, House, Clinics, Camps, Assessments, Coaches and Umpires. It is A LOT.
Jan is helpful. Not only does she sit on the executive, she can be found assisting the softball community in other capacities. Jan has coached the past 2 seasons with one of our local high schools, CHHS. CHHS is a team made predominately of new to softball players and she spends time preseason dedicated to helping build some fundamental skills. She has been a part of several MHMSA Advissory committees that have worked to develop policy to place the development of athletes and program at the heart of the association. Her knowledge of policy and board structure is always helpful when a difficult situation is at hand. She is direct in her opinions and ability to convey clear decision making, always an honest opinion.
Jan's commitment to MHMSA around a board room table is wrapping up in November, however we know she will always remain an advocate for female sport and softball within our community and province and she is most deserving of the Softball Alberta Merit Award.
2023 Softball Alberta Awards
Zone 1 Merit Award recipient - Josh Hudson, Julie Sweet, Scott Plouffe
2022 Softball Alberta Awards
Zone 1 Merit Award recipient - Michelle Campbell, Jay Pinnell
2021 Softball Alberta Awards
Zone 1 Merit Award recipient - Rebecca Jackiw, Cindy Cotton, Meagan Tayler
2019 Softball Alberta Awards
Zone 1 Merit Award recipient - Jennifer Matt
Merit Award nominee - Rebecca Jackiw, Christina Philbert
2018 Softball Alberta Awards
Coach of the Year Minor - Scott Kelly
Zone 1 Merit Award recipient - Stephanie Cram and Alisha Denisson
Merit Award nominee - Kayla Plouffe